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  • Mutual Fund

    Mutual fund is a professionally managed fund that pools money from investors and invests the fund in a certain type of portfolio of stocks, bonds and other securities. Mutual fund allows an investor to diversify his investment in a simple and cost-effective way to minimize the risk of investment. Professional portfolio managers and analysts analyze industry, sector and market information as well as evaluate companies and securities to make buy and sell decisions.

  • Open-end mutual funds

    Open-end mutual funds refer to mutual funds that issue shares to investors based on the fund’s net asset value (NAV) per share. In an open-end mutual fund, investors purchase shares directly from the mutual fund at the net asset value (the value of the fund’s underlying securities) per share rather than from the existing shareholders.

  • Close-ended mutual fund

    Close-ended mutual fund is traded on exchange at its Net Asset Value (NAV) but its capital unit is fixed. This fund neither issues securities after Initial Public Offering (IPO) nor redeems before the specified period of the term. The value of close-ended mutual fund is determined by the supply and demand of fund.

  • Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)

    Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is an investment fund that holds assets such as stocks, commodities, bonds. An ETF is traded like a stock throughout the trading day at fluctuating prices. They often track indexes, such as DS30 Index, DSES Index, CSE50, CSE30, CSCX, CASPI. Different types of Exchange Traded Fund(ETF) traded in the markets, some of the most common ETFs include; 1. Stock ETFs – these hold a particular portfolio of equities or stocks and are similar to an index. They can be treated like regular stocks in that they can be sold and purchased for a profit, and are traded on an exchange throughout the trading day. 2. Index ETFs – these mimic a specific index, such as the DS30 Index. They can cover specific sectors, specific classes of stocks. 3. Bond ETFs – an exchange-traded fund that is specifically invested in bonds or other fixed-income securities. They may be focused on a particular type of bonds or offer a broadly diversified portfolio of bonds of different types and with varying maturity dates.

  • Corporate Advisory

    Our Corporate Advisory services provide advice in connection with a wide range of strategic and financial matters as per requirement of the clients like mergers, acquisitions, restructurings and other financial matters

  • Institutional Fund Management

    Institutional investors with different and unique investment objective seek special financial solutions. Keeping that in mind we provide specialized service in accordance with their requirement We ensure professional expertise and maintain proper asset combination for our institutional clients. We provide our clients with customized investment solution and tailored financial services to materialize their financial goal. We assure special control of our investors over their fund. Our team of professionals helps them to understand the dynamics more closely and effectively.